Wednesday 16 June 2010

The A Team are The Losers

Returned to cinema last night for the first time in what seemed like a long time but was probably only two weeks. I saw The Losers, now if I didn't know that A) The A-Team was American and B) The A-Team movie was due for release soon, I would have assumed that they had decided to make an American version of the A-Team so I was not particularly interested in going and seeing it as I would have preferred to wait for the real thing next month.

It is based on the Comic series of the same name, which I have ta admit I have never read as when it comes to Comics I have a Transformers Speciality, but this is obviously part of the trend of Comic - Screen adaptations that has been such a feature of cinema in recent years.

All in all however it was a good film, and a lot more enjoyable than I had imagined, the similarities with the A-Team were unavoidable, With the Comedy Character, The Tough Black Guy, The Attractive Player and the Older commander, not to mention the fact that they were framed for a crime they didn't commit and were trying to clear their name. This was however a slightly gritter version of the A-Team although there was the common theme that the Good Guys could hit fully armoured soldiers to take them out from 200 yards whilst running, but the bad guys could not hit one of them standing ten foot away with a target painted on their chests. (An exaggeration I grant you but I am sure you get my drift.)

Anyway, I would recommend this film as a good bit of shoot 'em up fun, the action is fast paced enough that you don't have to worry about anything as complicated as thinking, and therefore you don't always see the twists coming (there aren't many) as you haven't had time to think. The camera shots and quick/slow motion cutting can get you quite disorientated but that is the main draw back.

And it does give a new reality to the phrase Women and Children first.

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