Monday 13 September 2010

Whose fault is it anyway?

Time and time again we hear about the greedy bankers who caused all of the problems that we are currently facing. But is it their fault, to listen to the likes of Bob Crow and other Union leaders then the fault has to be placed firmly on the shoulders of the Bankers who made the entire economy collapse with some dark magic. the important thing they tell us is that the fault does not sit at the feet of those working in the public sector or the unemployed.

However if we look at the facts we can see that no one group can be blamed entirely and like all global events there will always be several reasons we can look at for discovering what has happened.

1) The Banks took too many risks
2) People Borrowed too much money
3) the government dropped the ball

if just one of these elements had acted responsibly or even like addicts then none of the mess we are in now would have materialised, but they didn't. However from this list I would actually say that the main fault rests with the People who borrowed too much. at the end of the day as far as I was aware you had to be over 18 years old (i.e. an Adult) to borrow money, therefore you should be able to repay that money, otherwise you shouldn't borrow it, the banks possibly should have said no when you asked but if you couldn't afford it why did you take it?

Now the last government come back for blame here again, for it was the systematic nannying of the Labour government that appear to have removed the common sense of the population so that people are now completely dependant on others to do the thinking they seem to have forgotten how to do. this was perfectly encapsulated when someone called in a talk radio discussion on the Big Society (which is all about thinking for yourself) and asked how the government would bring in these projects.

Now the previous government come back in for more blame here for running a budget deficit during the good times so that the coffers were empty before the hard times even started.

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