Wednesday 29 September 2010

The Launch of Nu Layb'R - Soft on Crime, Tough on the Victims of Crime

A strange thing happened to me this morning as I watched sunrise on Sky News, I actually gained a great deal of respect for Mr. Miliband, Not Ed obviously but David, I felt on Monday that his speech was very well written and delivered, much better than the excuse for a speech given by Miliband Junior yesterday, But what increased my respect for David is the comment he made to Harriett Haman during his brothers speech, whilst Edward (or should it be Redward?) was trying to pretend that the Iraq war had nothing to do with the Labour party David turned to Labours Deputy Leader and said ‘You voted for it, why are you clapping?’ finally a member of the Labour party who actually remembers that a great deal of the issues they are so upset about are problems of their own making.

As for Miliband the Younger’s Speech I think it was a weak speech, weakly given in which Jr tried to be a soundbyte to all people and ended up being a politician to no one. I actually gave an audible laugh to the comment he made about how New Labour had realised they had to be tough on crime as well as tough on the causes of crime, and they were right to do it!! Right to do what exactly? How out of touch can the Labour party be if they honestly believe that we live in a society where the man on the street believes that there is justice and the streets are safe, I would perhaps suggest that Labours mantra really should be “Soft on Crime, Tough on the victims of crime!” He came out with another claim to be the next generation of Labour (I know that Red is a little bit of a non-personality but surely people remember that he was in the last cabinet, so not exactly a fresh start, and surely if Ms. Harman is still involved we will still get the constant stream of ridiculous ill thought out edicts.) We have had Labour then New labour so I guess Lill’ Mill must be announcing the launch of Nu Layb’R

I think the real question is that when Ed Milibland (Yes I can keep coming up with new names.) gives a speech to the TUC what will he use as his entrance music? “Puppet on a String.” Or “A little help from my Friends”?

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