Wednesday 15 September 2010

Papal Visit

With one day to go until the Visit of the Pope it seems that all of the buzz is about do the Catholics want him here? should the public pay for the visit? and will there be protests?

Personally I have to say that as a non-Catholic I really do not care if he comes to the UK or not but I can understand that if I was a follower of that faith I would probably be interested in seeing him. As for the subject of paying for the visit, I would have to say that as the Pope is both a head of state it is only right that whilst within our borders we offer him the same protection we would offer any head of state, regardless of his religious status. The only thing I may wonder is if we would allow Barak Obama to hold so many large scale rallies in the UK (As these are obviously much harder to police.)

Now for the question of protests, I am assuming there will be protests, however I think this is mostly due to a certain element of our population who seem to spend their lives constantly at a dangerous level of anger. The main elements of protest seem to focus around the Pope's views of Abortion, Sexual Equality and modernisation. I always find these arguments a little bit redundant when we are dealing with a Religion as I have always felt that you can either follow a religion or not, I struggle to support anyone who wants to take a pick and mix position as if you believe that the teachings of a religion are divine then they must all be followed, if they are not then why follow any of them.

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