Thursday, 7 October 2010

Movie Review Buried (Spoilers)

Warning as with Inception it is quite hard to talk about this film without giving away spoilers



This weeks film review is for the Spanish Indie film Buried, the film follows the attempts of a central character Paul Conway (Ryan Reynolds) to escape from a box which is as the title suggests Buried. Paul Conway is a Truck driver working in Iraq when he is captured by insurgents who demand 5M USD for his release. As he wakes up in the box he has a zippo, a pen and a bag left by the insurgents containing a Mobile Phone, an unreliable torch and a message they want him to record on the mobile phone.

Now when I first heard the mention of the film I wondered along with everything else if one man in a box was enough to carry an entire film and make it interesting, I don't believe it was, but it came very close. There are many stretches of imagination that are needed to make this film possible as Conway speaks to people on the phone who seem to know a great deal of information before they get told. The Hostage Locator for example seems to know what model of mobile phone he has, and at one point his Boss calls him on the phone despite the foreign office being unable to trace the number. perhaps the biggest discussion point for websites however is the available amount of oxygen due to Conway's love of lighting his zippo.

but if you can ignore these small elements, and the entire snake scene it is not a bad movie, This is just one of a long line of enclosed space movies and seems to take it to the minimal degree but where as Devil (In a lift) and Phone Booth (In public but unable to move.) have the ability to bring in players from outside the set up, Buried is limited to Conway and the voices on the phone, This is probably about an hours worth of decent movie stretched over an hour and a half, but well worth seeing if not just for the concept - a concept which I believe must be at its peak unless they bring out a film about a contortionist who gets stuck mid trick.

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