With all the talk of the Coalition being out of touch you would think that the Labour front bench all grew up in deprived areas and struggled daily to make ends meet, after all the Conservative ministers are all toffs so of course they are out of touch - or so the Socialist Mantra goes.
Of course this article by the Spectator tells a slightly different story.
With Miliband sitting on a £2.3 Million pound house,
Margaret Hodge who with an £18 Million pound inheritance is reckoned to be the Richest Woman in Parliament and
Shaun Woodward selling around £30 Million of property in recent time.
Maybe the reason the Labour Front Bench disagree with the Coalitions "We're all in this together." mantra as they are worried it may mean that they have to give up some of what they have.
Of course a special mention has to go to chief recovery denier Ed Balls as not just is he a Millionaire Class Warrior but his vast wealth is all 100% Tax Payer funded.
"Labour :- Don't let the truth get in the way"
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