Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Greedy Corporations or Out of Control Government?

After my recent discussion about fuel duty I was thinking about how we are often told how “Greedy Corporations” remove money from the economy and are responsible for high wages I thought I would look at it through a practical example. Working for an Oil company I thought I would look at how much of £100 paid to me by my employer that was then returned to them by purchasing their petrol. Out of this £100 how much would end up as company profit and how much would end up with the Government.

The first government slice (actually three slices) come before I have even received the money.

Tax Type
Tax Rate
Payable on
Employer National Insurance
Income Tax
Employee National Insurance

So before even receiving the money the £100 is reduced down to £34 (Which is enough to provide me with 28.33 Litres of Unleaded. This gives the Government their next two slices.

Fuel Duty

So with over half of the money being taken in direct taxation again we have the actual money that is spent on the product cost, obviously as there have been taxes all along the process part of this cost is made up of the taxes incurred on the product pipeline, unfortunately there are no direct figures available but based on the figures of produced by PWC and available here I have worked out that the supply taxation costs is about 18p per litre. (this includes - Petroleum Reserve Tax, Employee Taxes, Supply Chain Tax, property Tax and Environmental Taxes)

Supply Line Taxation

So from the £100 my company wanted to pay me the government have already taken 94% so there is nothing else for them to do but to tax what little they have so far failed to take through corporation tax – including the supplemental levy payable by Oil and Gas companies.

Corporation Tax

 This gives the Government 96% of the money and the “Greedy Corporation” 4%

And as if the government removing 96% of the money from the economy already if this profit is paid back to shareholders they will take up to an additional 37.5% and should that Shareholder go on to spend the money they will take another healthy 20% in VAT!

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